Wednesday 21 October 2015

Cara Mengganti Email Blog dengan Email Baru

Pertama kali ingin merubah email blog saya, saya merasa kesulitan untuk menggantinya. Karena saya memang tidak mengerti dan belum mengetahui langkah-langkahnya. Tapi setelah membaca caranya di berbagai blog, akhirnya saya bisa juga mengganti email blog saya itu.
Nah di kesempatan kali ini saya ingin berbagi kepada pembaca sekalian tentang bagaimana cara mengganti email lama kita di blog dengan email yang baru. Tentunya kita sudah memiliki email baru untuk menggantikan email lama kita itu atau bisa juga menggunakan email kita yang lain yang sudah terdaftar di google adsene jika kita menginginkan blog kita bisa dipasang iklan dari google.

Baiklah langsung saja kita mulai dengan langkah yang pertama:

1. Pertama siapkan dua browser, bisa firefox dengan chrome atau bisa juga opera browser dengan chrome/firefox. Terserah kalian yang penting browser yang kita pakai ada dua. Soalnya kita tidak bisa membuka email sekali dua bersamaan dalam satu browser, makanya diperlukan dua browser untuk mempermudah kita dalam mengganti email blog.

2. Dalam hal ini kita  mempunyai dua email yang berbeda(sebaiknya gunakan email dari google saja biar lebih mudah). Satu email yang digunakan untuk login ke
blog kita dan satunya lagi email
yang digunakan untuk mengganti email lama kita.
Bagi yang belum tahu cara membuat gmail kalian bisa baca diartikel saya sebelumnya.

3. Buka browser  Chrome lalu
masuk ke blogger dan login menggunakan email blogspot lama kalian atau email yang akan kita ganti nanti

4. Kemudian klik setelan/setting di pojok kiri dashboard

5. Lalu klik menu Dasar dan cari keterangan Penulis Blog

6. Kemudian tambah penulis(warna biru di bawah kotak penulis blog)

7. Ketik email pengganti di kotak yang sudah disediakan.

8. Klik undang penulis(warna orange)

Berikutnya kita menuju langkah yang kedua

1. Buka browser mozila firefox dan masuk ke akun gmail kalian yang satunya lagi(email pengganti)
2. Buka kotak masuk dan pilih pesan yang dikirimkan email
kita yang pertama ( akun blogspot yang akan diganti) yang berisi konfirmasi
undangan sebagai penulis.
3. Kemudian klik link berwarna biru dan tunggu hingga masuk ke akun blogspot.

Selanjutnya langkah ketiga:

1. Kembali ke browser Chrome dan refresh komputer

2. Klik menu Izin  dan pilih Penulis blog.
Jika langkah-langkah tadi dijalankan dengan  benar maka akan muncul email pengganti sebagai penulis.

3. Pada email yang kedua(email pengganti) ubah penulis menjadi admin dengan cara mengklik kotak sebelah kanan email pengganti.

4. Kembali ke browser Mozila Firefox, di kotak Izin pada Penulis Blog kita akan menemukan ada dua admin disana. Silahkan menghapus email lama kalian atau admin yang pertama dengan cara mengklik tanda X disebelah kanan email yang akan dihapus.

5. Silahkan log out dan tutup kedua  browser tersebut.

6. Terakhir coba kalian log in ke akun bloger dengan menggunakan email yang baru.
Jika berhasil masuk dengan menggunakan email tersebut, selamat berarti kalian sukses mengganti email yang lama dengan email baru di blog kalian. Tapi jika kalian menemukan kegagalan dalam mengikuti langkah-langkah diatas coba ulangi sekali lagi dan ikuti petunjuknya.

Selamat mencoba dan Semoga berhasil.
Jika tutorial tentang cara mengganti email blog ini bermanfaat mohon teman-teman meninggalkan pesan berupa saran dan kritik di kolom komentar yang telah disediakan. Terima kasih

Friday 9 October 2015

Functions and Procedures for Making Term Of Service

Terms of Service or commonly abbreviated to TOS generally by the owner of the website are used with the intent of providing clear rules
associated with the service or the service of a blog / website.

Normally when we visit a blog or a website we often encounter these TOS is at the navigation buttons. But usually we just skip that part just because we want to see actually did not ya.

In fact, not the least the owner of the blog or website functionality and usability do not know the terms of service itself. There are also some of them did not intend or do not want to make it.

According to Wikipedia Terms of Service means the rules that must be approved by both parties in a service. Except when it comes to such things as violations of consumer protection laws,
terms in the TOS are usually legally binding. Terms of service may also be referred to as
terms of use or sometimes accompanied by the disclaimer / denial, especially regarding the use of the service on a website.

If we already know what the functions and uses of terms of service, we can decide whether TOS needs to be applied to the blog or not. But usually the terms of service are often used or applied to a web site that displays content that is associated with the service users.

salah satu cara membuat TOS
Just as the privacy policy, terms of service is also a condition of receipt of google adsene. In order for your blog or website a professional look and quality you should display the TOS on your blog. To make it, you can visit websites that provide manufacturing terms of service online. Do not be afraid, it will not be charged at all or free.

salah satu cara membuat TOS

There you were only asked to fill in the columns that have been provided and following the instructions. Not difficult, but it helps you learn the first tutorial. Maybe on the other occasion I will also give a tutorial on how to make terms of service correctly and do not use complicated at the same time placing it in the way our blog or website.

A few of my review of the functions and procedures for making the Terms of Service. More least I'm sorry if my explanation there were not understood. Understandably I still lack experience compared to the others.
Hopefully this article useful to a friend.

How to Make The Privacy Policy Easily and Quickly

Privacy Policy or if interpreted into Indonesian is "Kebijakan Privasi" where the policy
Privacy created to provide information to visitors to your blog / website that
know the rules and policies that have been made.
The objective is that the reader or visitor blog / website to obey and comply with all policies that have been created by a blog / website.

Privacy Policy is also one of the requirements in the registration adsene Google and other PPC ads. Privacy policy is needed as a reference that blog or website that you submitted deserves to advertise. Anyway your blog will look professional when put this privacy policy.

For those of you who do not understand how to create a privacy policy should not worry. I will help you explain how to make the privacy policy easily and quickly.
We simply fill out a form that has been provided by the Website Creation service provider's privacy policy. All of it free or do not need to spend any money at all.

Here are the steps:

1. Visit the following address Privacy Policy Online berikut

2. Fill Form Yang has been provided, Fill BLog name / your Website, Blog URL, Contact, Email, and Other like the example picture above

3. After filling the next columns you click "Generate HTML",
Then you will be taken to a page whose content is your privacy policy that will be used later to your blog or website.

Copy all the text and go back to your blog or website. On the dashboard simply select a page and open a new page and paste the text you copied earlier. Then publish. Done.
To adjust the position of your dashboard privacy policy please choose the layout menu.
How? Not easy.

A few explanations I can give on how to make the privacy policy easily and quickly. Hopefully what I have described is beneficial for my friend as well.
Good luck.

Write A Useful Article on The Blog

an example of a useful article
If  we have a blog or website where the manage is ourselves we must show the articles that are useful for ourselves and also our blog visitors. We can develop ideas that we have and then we pour it into an article. Usually the material that we can be derived from personal experience or the experience of others. It could also be from the information we've read or observation first.

The goal of creating a blog is diverse. Some are using it to support its business and some are just simply channeled his hobby only. And not a few who use their blogs to earn additional income.

So how useful a blog or website that for human life.
Here I will discuss a little about the contents anything that could support us in getting income through blogs.
Of course, quality content that is useful content for our blog visitors. In writing articles which we will publish later should note the following points:

1. Material / theme article

Yup .... In writing the article should we think first of what will be our writing materials. Suppose we take the material on how to create a blog properly. So start looking for information on how creating a blog is good and right. If you are really skilled in making a blog or have knowledge of the article that you create, you certainly have no difficulty in writing articles on a blog instead.

2. Make it easy to understand sentences

No need to use complicated words that do not understand our blog visitors. Try to use words and sentences that are not complicated. Use words that are important simple easy to understand. This simple detail that will have a major impact on the progress of your blog later. Your blog will be more crowded and certainly benefit you.

3. Use the supporting factors

What is meant here is a factor of pictures, videos or links reliable. Use the contributing factors to further strengthen your writing. By displaying images or videos on your article visitors would find it helpful in capturing the information that you convey through your writings it. anyway content that you display will look more professional and qualified.

4. Do not get used to copy the works of others

This is clearly an infringement of copyright in which every person is entitled to protect his work from being manipulated by others. Make writing the original of your own thoughts. The originality of a piece of writing will determine whether your work was worth considering.
Well 4 it just that I think if applied in writing an article to be very useful in supporting the quality of your blog and your desire to do business online for example, and of course many more tips that can help us create content-quality content. But for the moment quite 4 it's all I can give. Perhaps my friend can add it later in the comments field.

In google adsene any sign we are required to display the contents of quality. Because it is one of the requirements of our receipt of the request to join in google adsene.

If the content that we have pornographic certainly request you to join in google adsene will be rejected. So make the content really useful in our blog.
You do not have to worry about difficulty in writing. if we learn and has a strong will I think writing is not something difficult.
Congratulations to write and hopefully this article useful. Thank you.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

How To Make Email Gmail With Easy

According to Wikipedia, Email or Mail (acronym: ratel, ratron, e-mail, or e-mail) or electronic mail (acronym: e-mail.) Or imel (English: e-mail) is a means to send to send a letter through the computer network ( eg, the Internet).
By regular mail senders usually need to pay per delivery (by buying stamps), but electronic mail is generally the cost is the cost to pay for the Internet connection. But there are exceptions eg electronic mail to cell phones, sometimes the payment is billed per delivery.
Email already came into use in the 1960s. At that time the Internet has not been there and there was just a collection of 'mainframe' is formed as a network. Only in the 1980s, Email can be used by people. Today, many companies post in various countries decreased income because people have switched to using email which is certainly more practical in its use.
Email serves to assist us in bersosial life in society. usually people use email for promotional purposes, send news to family or friends, send files or create social media accounts such as facebook, twitter, instagram and so on. including a blog.
Here I describe the steps in making a particular email gmail.
Please visit the link until the column of charging data as follows

Fill in the data fields according to your identity. To try the user name that you write the name combined with figures aim to prevent existing user name with you. If there is a warning appears "Someone has been using that username. Note that we ignore the points and capital letters in the username. Try another?" you can select an email address that has been provided gmail. if you do not want to use an email address that has been provided, you can change your user name by adding dots or numbers or can also add names that are longer.
For the password, you can use a combination of letters and numbers, minimum password that is used contains 8 characters. Fill out the fields in accordance with the data yourself then. To prove that you are not a robot contents of the column "type text" in accordance with the code shown in the image. Do not forget to check the small column stating that you agree to the terms and policies of Google. If you did not enter your phone number is normally so click on the button "next step" you've finished creating a gmail email. But if you include your phone number will be taken to a verification page that the "next step" you click.
Google itself will give you a verification code to the phone number us. There are two methods used. via SMS or voice call. please choose. I usually reply via SMS. because if we forget to look at the contents of SMS messages sent by goggle.
After the verification code can be said that you have finished creating a gmail email. Please click the "Proceed to gmail" to see your new email.
Such an easy way to make gmail. You can make it anytime and anywhere as long as you are connected to the Internet network.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Make Money with YouTube

One more online business that we can learn and apply in business. Perhaps among us who love to upload videos on youtube. Well this is where we can earn money from google. How to? Not difficult nor easy to implement. Just like blogs, YouTube can make money.

During this time there may be among us who like to watch videos on youtube. We watch the videos of course is that it is true we want to watch. But we often find the ad before the video that we watch or text ads that appear beside the top, bottom, right, left, or right in the video that we watch. Well ad that will lead us to success: D 

You are right if you are looking for is part of google adsene. Because it is You tube is also a Google product that is visited by netizens. Through you tube we can display ads must have been approved by Google. However, there are a prerequisite if the videos that you upload on you tube can deliver ads.

Try to upload videos of your own original not belong to someone else let alone videos that you upload originally also from youtube. point video that we uploaded it comes from our own. Then try to register with Google to install google adsene in your account you tube.
If undertaken properly according to the instructions I think Google will be kind enough to approve you join in google adsene.

On the internet many tutorial2 about earning on you tube. My advice before you start look for references that really will guide you to success. Learn and follow what they teach. If you can consult with people who already falls in this business, it's better. We can learn from them the right way to do business online.
For more details on how to enroll install google adsene on youtube, my friend can learn and look it up on google. Many Blogger to review about this. We can choose which ones we think are easy to follow and learn.

So remember the afternoon I happened to watch a news program on one of the private tv. Youtuber contents told about a hobby that makes not only to channel his passion but also make his hobby as an income for himself. Imagine the income that exceeds the salary of a manager in place before work. Not really inspire. There is no harm in it we try to learn how to earn money through the Internet. send regards for success

Monday 5 October 2015

Online Business is Easy

Lately, many emerging online business that offers a variety of advantages and even offering a fantastic income. not a few among so many online businesses that are scams. so we must be very clever to filter the information that we can. Seek references from blogs who have experienced or who have a good reputation.

As a new player like me for example, I was obliged to be vigilant in starting an online business. Outside there is a bit of online businesses have sprung up. Make us confused to choose an online business that really fit with the info that we can and of course according to abilities / talents In this case I think google is the right place for us to earn money in online business. How to? Hm ... Maybe between us, especially just want to start an online business a little hesitant with the opportunities that we have. What to see success or failure. While out there are many powerful businessmen and beginners who are also struggling in this online business. You could say that they are our competitors or our competitors. But the thought of such waste. They can be compared to us as a teacher and his student. Where we learn from them how to do business online is good and right. The internet world wide just like the real world, so many useful things that can make our income for us. only one condition would strive earnestly. And at this time I also was started. trying to build my life by leveraging existing opportunities. One of them is the online business. Okay back to topic :D

One of the activities that make money is by creating a blog. Relax in google we can find a variety of ways and tips on how to make a good blog which of course could generate revenue for us. To earn money from a blog, we have to write an interesting article in the hope of our blog visitors interested to read the article that we make. Where can we get the money? As with other novice beginner-I also was confused how a Blogger can earn money from their blogs. After getting information by reading it on the internet I understood. They (Blogger) paid by Google for having ads on google. And this is what I am trying understood better. Really from the beginning, and certainly with the unyielding spirit. Hehe ....

Actually, not just from the advertising we can get the money. Blog itself is made in accordance with our needs. Like me, wanted this blog to publish ads from Google. But not a few people to create a blog to help their business moving forward. Due to publicize our efforts on the internet is really an effective way in promoting a business that we pioneered.

Aside from the ads served on our blog, we can also get income from android. where the android is also a product of google. as we know Android is the most widely used platform in the world. How to? may be among us are also many who do not know that we are mainly based smartphone android can make money for us. You can search on google any application that can generate money. Sorry I did not explain in detail here any application that can generate money. I will explain later in my other articles.

I think that some of the ways that we can use to earn income from the internet. And out there are still many online businesses that we can learn. My advice to be useful to read the article add to our knowledge in doing business online. As long as we want to try and not give up if it finds a failure then we can be sure we will be successful and be able to be like those who are successful first. The point is we have to keep trying and do not be afraid of failure. because failure is success delayed. So ... Let us learn and write on the internet. Send regards for success.