Friday 9 October 2015

How to Make The Privacy Policy Easily and Quickly

Privacy Policy or if interpreted into Indonesian is "Kebijakan Privasi" where the policy
Privacy created to provide information to visitors to your blog / website that
know the rules and policies that have been made.
The objective is that the reader or visitor blog / website to obey and comply with all policies that have been created by a blog / website.

Privacy Policy is also one of the requirements in the registration adsene Google and other PPC ads. Privacy policy is needed as a reference that blog or website that you submitted deserves to advertise. Anyway your blog will look professional when put this privacy policy.

For those of you who do not understand how to create a privacy policy should not worry. I will help you explain how to make the privacy policy easily and quickly.
We simply fill out a form that has been provided by the Website Creation service provider's privacy policy. All of it free or do not need to spend any money at all.

Here are the steps:

1. Visit the following address Privacy Policy Online berikut

2. Fill Form Yang has been provided, Fill BLog name / your Website, Blog URL, Contact, Email, and Other like the example picture above

3. After filling the next columns you click "Generate HTML",
Then you will be taken to a page whose content is your privacy policy that will be used later to your blog or website.

Copy all the text and go back to your blog or website. On the dashboard simply select a page and open a new page and paste the text you copied earlier. Then publish. Done.
To adjust the position of your dashboard privacy policy please choose the layout menu.
How? Not easy.

A few explanations I can give on how to make the privacy policy easily and quickly. Hopefully what I have described is beneficial for my friend as well.
Good luck.

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